Monday, July 9, 2012

I was given the Versatile Blogger Award!

This rough morning was cheered up a bit when I
noticed a new comment that I was given
the Versitile Blogger Award!

The lovely
honored me with it, check out her blog!
She's got lots of great posts full of recipes, ideas
and projects for the home.

Here's my award!

What is the versatile blogger award you ask?
This is how it works and
the rules of the award:

1: Thank the Blogger who nominated you.
2: Include a link to their site.
3: Include the award image to your post.
4: Include the award image on your blog.
5: Give 7 random facts about yourself.
6: Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
7: When nominating other bloggers, include links to their sites.
8: Let those bloggers know they have been nominated.

7 Things about myself (in no particular order):

1: I am the oldest of two girls
2: I love the Winter! It's my favorite season.
3: My full time day job - Adult store!!
4: I had a full on stroke at the age of 27...While
on my honeymoon, on the other side of the world,
on Boxing Day, Oh it gets even worse! But Ill leave
it at that for now.
5: Im happily married, 30 with no kids
6: I dont eat eggs!
7: I have 9 tattoos

My nominations for The Versatile Blog Award go to these wonderful blogs:

AAAH! I'm at work at the moment....
I will nominate my 15 once I get home from work :)

Thanks for the award!!

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